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     JSC "Novogrudok Gas Equipment Plant" produces welded steel cylinders, welded household gas cylinders in volume of 5, 12, 27 and 50L. The cylinders are designed for transportation and storage of liquefied petroleum gas (propane, butane and their mixtures). Cylinders  5, 12, 27 L.  certified in compliance with requirements of the Quality Standard STB ISO9001. Cylinders 5, 12, 27L.  certified in compliance with the European Directive security (2010/35/EU) and the European standard (EN 1442: 2006+ A1: 2008).


                                                                                                                                    EU certificates 5,12,27L

                                                                                                                                    EU certificates 50L




JSC "Novogrudok Gas Equipment Plant" produces welded steel cylinders, welded household gas cylinders in volume of 5, 12, 27 and 50L. The cylinders are designed for transportation and storage of liquefied petroleum gas (propane, butane and their...
JSC "Novogrudok Gas Equipment Plant" produces welded steel cylinders, welded household gas cylinders in volume of 5, 12, 27 and 50L. The cylinders are designed for transportation and storage of liquefied petroleum gas (propane, butane and their...
JSC "Novogrudok Gas Equipment Plant" produces welded steel cylinders, welded household gas cylinders in volume of 5, 12, 27 and 50L. The cylinders are designed for transportation and storage of liquefied petroleum gas (propane, butane and their...
JSC "Novogrudok Gas Equipment Plant" produces welded steel cylinders, welded household gas cylinders in volume of 5, 12, 27 and 50L. The cylinders are designed for transportation and storage of liquefied petroleum gas (propane, butane and their...
The cylinders are designed for transportation and storage of liquefied petroleum gas (propane, butane and their mixtures) The cylinder has a safety valve.The advantage of such cylinders is the presence of a safety valve that protects the system...